Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pip Pip Cheerio!

Lately I've been day dreaming about far off places where people speak with marvelous accents.
Having just visited England and Scotland, I find myself wanting to go back.
Of course no one can see all that these countries have to offer in only a week each, so it makes sense wanting to go back and experience other things.

I'd love to visit Ireland and even more so Australia/New Zealand. I remember back in the day when I was still in high school, I 'planned' to stay in Australia for a month. I went as far as looking for apartments that offered monthly rates, and even how I could go about maybe getting a small job while I was there.

It's amazing how costly travelling really is, having not travelled much at all. It took me until Christmas to finally pay off everything, which I guess isn't too bad considering it was a 3 week trip to Europe! But I guess, in the end, it was worth it.

But now I'm hooked! And who knows when I'll be able to afford another expedition to some far off place? I'd love to live in a place like England for a small amount of time.
As much as I'm always saying how I always want to live somewhere close to where I grew up, there's a whole other part of me that wants to go on adventures, and experience life in someplace new.
Now, if only I were rich and famous. Then I could just buy a house in each country I love and everything would be 100% easier.

I'd love to visit the southern united states as well. I have some strange fondness for places like Louisiana, or Dallas, maybe its because of all these movies I see and books I read that are set in these places. I just want to visit and see what its all about.

I definitely need to visit New York City, and I also have to go back to Florida and see the new Harry Potter Exhibit in Universal Studios.

Anyway, just a short post today. See you tomorrow!

Later days

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