It's been a while. I apologize.
I have no excuses other than laziness.
So the past few days I've been getting super excited for school...yet again.
I guess I go through stages of excitement then lulls of not really thinking about school because I'm busy with other stuff. But I'm back to excited!
Thought I'd post some old drawings just to get used to posting more stuff here.
I created this blog intending to use it during school to post my work, so why not start now with some old stuff?
I hope, after everything, I can go through this blog and see some improvement in my work.
I'm already jealous looking through other Seneca student blogs and some of their work, and I REALLY hope I can become as good as some of them.
I really need motivation these next 3 years. I need to push myself to WANT this. After everything Ive taken in school, and everything Ive done in life, I want this to be it. I really do.
I don't want to go into school again and have myself hate art because I'm being forced to produce it. I need to take it as practice and learning, so I can become better.
So don't let me hate art! K good.
So I was googling Disney and Pixar animation studios to see if Id even be able to work there if I was good enough. Turns out they have student programs for graduates, or students about to graduate. I thought that was awesome. BUT! Disney's studios are only in LA. Pixar has a Canadian studio, but it's in Vancouver.
So there goes that. I'm not saying I wouldn't move to do what I want to do, but right now I've got it set in my mind that I want to live here in Toronto.
Who knows. Next is to google Toronto animation studios and see what pops up. I know there are a bunch that do shows for like YTV or even Disney channel shows, so we'll see.
Ok so here are a couple naked girls.
Later days.

I got an email telling me you commented. So good job trying to hide it.