I have just finished my first assignment for Story boarding class. Finally.
Not one of my favourite assignments, Ive basically been putting it off repeatedly until now.
I have work tomorrow and Monday which I'm not looking forward to at all.
I guess the trouble with starting a new job is not knowing how to do everything completely.
At least at Blockbuster, I knew how to do almost every function, and I knew how to deal with every situation. Now, I have to re-learn everything and it's a lot more complicated this time around.
I've been going over things in my head, I know the basics of what I'll be facing, but I also feel that when it comes down to it, under the pressure of the line ups and angry customers, I'll forget everything.
Another thing that bugs me about Ikea is how friggin' huge it is. There are SO many people working there, and yet its so hard to ask for help if I need it. Because it's so busy everyone is doing something, and can rarely come help me, or if they do, it takes a little bit in which the customer will be giving me an evil stare.
Here's hoping my first few days of working on my own go smoothly and without problems.
I'm starting to get to know the people in my class more and more each day.
Hockey starts this week. Ive finally paid so now it's official. I have to play. Let's see how this goes with school work and what not. Also having my early day the morning after hockey will be fantastic.
Oh! I wonder if the Rocky movies continue this weekend from last weekend.
I really do enjoy Rocky Balboa thoroughly. What a guy.
As Promised, pictures of my studio.
That's my desk.
The other side of the room.
Colourful eh?
Yo Adrienne. That's for you. ;)
Later days.