I was so tired from only sleeping about 2 hours the night before, so I decided to take a short nap.
I set my alarm clock and everything!
I woke up to turn off my alarm clock, and went right back to sleep. Good times.
So tonight I need to step it up and finish my story boarding final. Of course I left my illustration board at school, so I'll have to go in Monday night to actually finish it.
I'm starting to fall behind and I don't like it one bit.
This week I really need to get into gear and finish some stuff instead of just leaving it for the next day.
Here are some leg studies.

So tomorrow is my birthday. Having already had a party last weekend, it feels like its come and gone and tomorrow is just another regular day.
Tonight the fam is going to Red Lobster. Should be good.
Feeling kinda 'meh' today. Not sure why.
Hopefully work doesn't make it any worse.
Later days.
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