Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sloths Are Cute

This is my flying sloth for our monster assignment.
I had some help from a classmate coming up with the idea for a flying sloth with tusks. I decided I wanted it to be equally as cute as actual sloths are.
I focused on the face at first and worked in almost all the detail before I moved on to the body.
The talons gave me a bit of trouble and I'm not entirely happy with them, but they'll do.
The wings were probably the hardest part. They weren't long enough and way to close to the edge of the painting, so I adjusted the canvas size and stretched them out. I think it helped a lot.
I took the fur painting skills I learned last semester on my creature assignment and used them again here. Saved a lot of time, already having tackled a furry creature in the past.
I'm very happy with how this one came out.


  1. Hello I have been viewing this flying sloth painting for quite some time and I was wondering if it is available for purchase?

    1. Please email me at taradlloyd@gmail.com and we can discuss this further.
      Thank you for your interest.
