Sunday, July 11, 2010

La la laaaaa!

Hello again,

Alright, let me have it. I suck at this blog.
But I don't suck as much as I did with my old blogs! So give me a little credit.
At least I still know this one exists and I visit it once in a while.
Definitely not every day like I said I would try to do, but what evs.

So I'm still excited for school.
Yes I know, same crap every time.

I'm going to go pick up my new back pack some time soon. Not sure when I'm going for my new computer yet. Just waiting on my dad. Knowing him, we'll probably go sometime mid/late August just in case there's a deal.
Oh well..I guess I can survive on this one until then.

I need to order my new Adobe program so I'll get it in time for school. I want to have time to play around with it also, I'm two updates behind! Lots of new stuff to learn.

Today's my Aunts birthday so Happy Birthday Aunt Leslie!

So in about a years time I have the honour of making my cousins wedding cake!
Wow! I'm really excited for it. Her wedding colours are amazing, and its a 50's themed wedding so I feel like the cake has so much potential to be awesome! Super classy. I really want to make something special for them.

There's this new show I started watching on Bravo called Work of Art. Its a reality show about all different kinds of artists who have a new challenge each week to create a piece of art. The first episode was to do a portrait of another one of the artists, the second was to create art out of junk, and the third was to design a book cover for a specific book that they were given.
Watching the show really makes me want to do something! Draw, paint, photoshop...anything!

Lately Ive just wanted to, well, make art! But I find once I get to the paper, I have no idea what to do. I want so badly to make something awesome, maybe I psych myself out. I feel like I'd never actually be able to make something really amazing so there's no point in trying. But if I don't try and practice, how am I going to improve?


I want to paint.

That's all for now.

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