Sunday, January 2, 2011

More stupid new years resolutions?!

Yea, I know.
But I want to actually try this year.
I know I say this every year, if only to myself but I think that I have enough motivation to actually get things going and stick to it this year.

Cant wait to look back on this next new years and realize I've done none of what I wanted to do.
Alright, without further ado...

1) Draw every single day.
I know, considering what I'm taking in school and what I want to do for a career, this seems like a really stupid resolution. I don't draw as much as I'd like to, or should for that matter. I really need to step it up if I ever want to improve. So this is my first resolution.

2) Become better at time management.
I need to learn how to manage my time WAY better. This past semester taught me how important it is that I learn this skill. I need to keep school, homework, work, and a social life in order. I have to keep up with my assignments so I'm not stuck at school till midnight 3 nights a week to finish!

3) Only use the elevator at school once per day.
It would be SO easy to lose weight being in the animation program, since we're on the 4th floor. All you have to do is not be lazy and actually take the stairs every/most of the time.
I lost 10 pounds in the first month and a half, here's hoping 20 more hit the road before summer.

4) Lose 20 pounds by summer, kind of goes hand in hand with number 3.
I know its possible after losing 10 already. I can do it! Not that hard! No more Wendy's for heavens sake!

5) Get my tattoo finished.
I'm hoping to work enough this summer to be able to afford a few more sessions on my arm and finish it up before the years end. Cant wait to see some colour!

6) Read a lot over the summer.
I have a stack of at least 6 or 7 novels that I have yet to read from last year.
I need to get that done this summer.

7) Do something every day that makes me leave the house.
There's nothing worse than having the laziest day in the world because theres nothing to do so I end up staying home and feeling gross. This is especially for the summer, I want to go out every day, even if its just to ride my bike through the ravine. I don't have time to waste so much of it.

That's all I can think of for now. It's a lot to do, but I think I can do it.
Lets start with number one. I'm gonna go draw for a bit.
School starts in 1 more week. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some of my stuff from first semester before then.

Later days

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