Alright, trying to get an early post in here today.
And with that, I have absolutely nothing to write about.
It's a beautiful day outside today, I can only hope people will be out and about on their day off instead of renting movies and staying in.
I really hope no one comes in tonight, I'm definitely not in the mood.
I also hope I don't get scrutinized by the new manager tonight. I have a feeling I'm going to get yelled at for not asking every single person if they want to pre-order Avatar, or even one single person for that matter. I hate up selling.
Anyways, today consisted of waking up late-ish, having my morning cup of coffee whilst internetting. Hanging out in the back yard for a bit with my dad and the pups, finding out the water fountain isn't working(might still be frozen), and yelling at Baxter for eating bird seed, because he's clearly not a bird. I then went on to fold my laundry that I did yesterday and left conveniently in the dryer. Yay clean hockey clothes and jerseys! (I smell)
Then had some lunch, watched 5 mins of Bad Lieutenant and gave up, and now I'm here.
What fun! Maybe I'll get my bike out, put some air in the tires and go for a ride.
I found a video on YouTube of some workouts for strengthening your legs for hockey, so I may do that for a bit. I really don't want to die in my co-ed division.
Anywho, I cant really think of much more to say. So I'll leave it at that.
Later Days
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