Monday weigh in....
Ugh, so I'm up 2.5lbs.
Hoorah! Even after 4 games of hockey this weekend!
Well I guess I haven't really been eating that great, and did no other exercise last week at all so.
Hoping this week goes a bit better.
I ended up getting hurt twice this weekend, one slap shot to the calve and another shot to my ankle. Both hurt a lot. Id have to say Ive never been hit that hard in those places before ever. Well we were playing against men so that might have something to do with it.
I have a nice bruise brewing on my calve in the shape of a hockey puck. It's so hot.
I wasn't able to really walk on my right foot yesterday because of the pain in my ankle, and I woke up this morning with absolutely no pain at all. Strange. Sure it hurts on the bone if you touch it, there is a bruise starting to form, but as for general pain in my ankle, its completely gone and I can walk! Although still a little swollen.
So work should be ok tonight, I was kinda dreading have to hobble around.
I just hope the swelling goes down by next weekend, I'm kind of scared to put my hockey skate back on, because I know it's going to kill every time the side touches my ankle bone. Should be nice.
Hmm what else? Well in the tournament, we were the first female team to ever be allowed to play, and we won second place in our division! I bet the guys weren't expecting that!
And they even asked us back for next year! How exciting!
We got t-shirts as prizes and they were nice enough to go through all of them and pick out all the mediums for us. Never fails that girls are always stuck with XL men's shirts. That's just how it works. Even at women's tournaments if you can believe it.
La la la!
I think I'm gonna take my bike out this week, pump up some tires and start going for rides. I found a good route to take last summer that ends up being a pretty good work out. So I shall try that out again, and maybe if I do that every day, or well the days I'm not working..(I hate to get sweaty before work..It's just gross) I'll see some improvement.
AHHH!! Hockey starts next week! Well...resumes I guess I should say.
Ive actually been missing it these past few weeks...even though I played every weekend since the season ended. But still, it's not the same. I start on my summer team from last year called The Ringers, and my new co-ed team called District 5 named after the Mighty Ducks original team. I cant wait. The co-ed team is a brand new league though, so I'm hoping the level is ok.
Get ready for a lot of new injuries from this league. Cant wait.
Hmm....That may be it for now? I know it's been a while so I had a bunch to report on.
Still VERY excited for school.
And I'm's lunch time.
Time for foooooods.
Later days
Fanks sir.