Chrimbus time, Chrimbus time, ho ho ho ho ho! (right Yochie?)
Here's what I did this Christmas.
Will I ever get sick of drawing myself? Of course! But it's easier to use myself when trying out new things I've learned.
Inspiration from Annie Wu.
Discovered her today and was absolutely blown away!!
Later days.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Background and Character
Last assignment for digital painting. Had to create a background with a character inside it. I'll be honest and say that I had absolutely no idea what to do for the longest time, and just tried to put something together. I decided to go with a more stylistic approach to this one. It's different from what I'm used to, but in the end I don't hate what came out of it.
I have a lot to learn about backgrounds. They just aren't one of my favourite things to do.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Dallas Whittaker
This is my final model pack for my character for character design class.
I'm happy with some parts, not with others. Character design is not one of my strongest areas, but I'm proud of myself for finishing.
Still have SOOO much to learn. It was fun, but I wish I didn't leave it all 'til the last minute. Would have saved me a lot of grief.
Now onto the maquette! Which will be the pose of her in the red dress.
Colour Background
This is for a colour background assignment we had to do.
Basically create a conceptual layout. I like how this turned out. I love the waterfall and I love that it falls into nothingness. Kind of an 'end of the world if the world were flat' type deal.
I could have spent a lot more time on the buildings and what not, but as you can probably tell, most of my time went into the water.
In the end, I think I like this one.
Unfinished Delorean
This is my unfinished Delorean.
I had such high hopes for this assignment, but it was a really busy couple of weeks with a lot of big projects due and it got left behind.
I really want to revisit this in the summer, change the perspective to a more appealing angle and render it nicely.
I like the vents on the back. That's about it.
Sloths Are Cute
This is my flying sloth for our monster assignment.
I had some help from a classmate coming up with the idea for a flying sloth with tusks. I decided I wanted it to be equally as cute as actual sloths are.
I focused on the face at first and worked in almost all the detail before I moved on to the body.
The talons gave me a bit of trouble and I'm not entirely happy with them, but they'll do.
The wings were probably the hardest part. They weren't long enough and way to close to the edge of the painting, so I adjusted the canvas size and stretched them out. I think it helped a lot.
I took the fur painting skills I learned last semester on my creature assignment and used them again here. Saved a lot of time, already having tackled a furry creature in the past.
I'm very happy with how this one came out.
Head and Hands
Had to draw an image of a person and include both the head and the hands. First colour assignment of the semester.
I tried a different technique with this one and blocked out the form in grey scale first, then added in the colour afterwards. I've heard good things about doing it this way, but I really do not like the way it turned out. I feel like it made the overall image look desaturated and lifeless. I most likely will not do any future paintings this way.
I focused a lot of my attention on the hands and I like how they turned out.
I realize it looks like me, mainly because I was using photo ref, and couldn't find the pose I needed so I posed myself.
If I had more time, I feel like I could have done a better job. But I'm satisfied with it.
Black and White Background
Had to paint line are that was given to us in grey scale using one light source of our choice.
I chose the desk lamp. First added an overall grey to the image and erased back for highlights. Fine tuned the gradients. Then duplicated and made a multiply layer to add darker shadows.
It was fun playing with light, but it's tricky and I still have a whole lot to learn.
Process of digitally painting a grey scale(no pun intended) fish for class.
Started with a rough drawing then painted in the basic form with shadows and mid tones.
Detailed in the eye and fins, roughed in the scales, then started detailing the whole thing.
Decided to change the overall shape of the bottom fin to make it flow more towards the back.
Finished it off with more shading, defining the form, and adding highlights.
Started with a rough drawing then painted in the basic form with shadows and mid tones.
Detailed in the eye and fins, roughed in the scales, then started detailing the whole thing.
Decided to change the overall shape of the bottom fin to make it flow more towards the back.
Finished it off with more shading, defining the form, and adding highlights.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Steve Buscemi
Finally finished my Buscemi caricature...I've been putting it off for forever, but since my ArtBook submission goes in tonight, I needed to finally finish it.
Total time was 9 and a half hours.
If I have time this week I'll put up my process shots, I took a different approach than when I did Bill Murray, I think I prefer my previous method, saved time. But it was neat building this one piece by piece.
I don't think I pushed the caricature enough, so he just looks creepy and Gollum-like. But I'm OK with it.
Critiques are welcome.
Total time was 9 and a half hours.
If I have time this week I'll put up my process shots, I took a different approach than when I did Bill Murray, I think I prefer my previous method, saved time. But it was neat building this one piece by piece.
I don't think I pushed the caricature enough, so he just looks creepy and Gollum-like. But I'm OK with it.
Critiques are welcome.

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Holy cow!
Just checked my marks, I did a lot better than I thought I did apparently!
I'm so super happy!
I really thought by the end of the semester everything I was producing was garbage, but I guess I wasn't doing too bad.
I cant believe how well I did in life drawing, which is the one I was most worried about even passing.
I can now rest easy this summer knowing that I more than survived this last semester.
Bring on the sun!
Just checked my marks, I did a lot better than I thought I did apparently!
I'm so super happy!
I really thought by the end of the semester everything I was producing was garbage, but I guess I wasn't doing too bad.
I cant believe how well I did in life drawing, which is the one I was most worried about even passing.
I can now rest easy this summer knowing that I more than survived this last semester.
Bring on the sun!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Demo Reel with animations! Whoa!
Here is my demo reel for the end of the semester. Nothing special, just had to show that we understood how to use the program we used to make the video.
Has a couple animations that I did this past semester.
Has a couple animations that I did this past semester.
Time to dump all the stuff I did after I stopped posting because things got pretty hectic with school.
Here is a character design assignment we had that took a really long time to come to completion.
We had to design a creature, create a dynamic pose for it, then draw the skeleton for it, and later add on the muscles.

This is a digital tools assignment where our prof gave us a layout that he drew and we had to digitally paint it so there were no lines.

And here are my 100 feet to go with last semesters 100 hands. Also, on a side note. Apparently, it only takes 2 days to draw 100 feet. Just saying... I guess when you leave them till the last minute you use the time you have..

I want to work on a bunch of stuff for myself this summer, and I was really getting into it at the end of the semester, doodling for me instead of doing my homework.
Now that I'm actually out of school though, I've lost my motivation. I'm hoping it'll come back and I'm just taking a long awaited break from drawing. So we'll see.
I'll try to keep updating with what ever I may have over the summer.
Well that's all for now.
Later days
Here is a character design assignment we had that took a really long time to come to completion.
We had to design a creature, create a dynamic pose for it, then draw the skeleton for it, and later add on the muscles.

This is a digital tools assignment where our prof gave us a layout that he drew and we had to digitally paint it so there were no lines.

And here are my 100 feet to go with last semesters 100 hands. Also, on a side note. Apparently, it only takes 2 days to draw 100 feet. Just saying... I guess when you leave them till the last minute you use the time you have..

I want to work on a bunch of stuff for myself this summer, and I was really getting into it at the end of the semester, doodling for me instead of doing my homework.
Now that I'm actually out of school though, I've lost my motivation. I'm hoping it'll come back and I'm just taking a long awaited break from drawing. So we'll see.
I'll try to keep updating with what ever I may have over the summer.
Well that's all for now.
Later days
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Kim Possible
My Hero. Bill Murray.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
So much to post!
So much to post!!
Ok, because I have no time to actually post all the work I've done lately, I will post the last assignment for digital tools/layout I finished. Since I have it handy here.
I decided to show my process since we're encouraged to save throughout just in case. I know I'm always interested to see how a person gets to the finished process when I see images online.
So first I had laid down the basic colours and then started cleaning up the line work since the scan wasn't that great of a quality. Then I started filling in the objects. Once that was done I started creating the shading in greyscale. We learned this method the class before and I really like doing it this way. Then that's my final result, and below with our character we had to add in.
Still have a long way to go, but overall I'm happy with it.
More to come soon! I promise!
Later days.
Ok, because I have no time to actually post all the work I've done lately, I will post the last assignment for digital tools/layout I finished. Since I have it handy here.
I decided to show my process since we're encouraged to save throughout just in case. I know I'm always interested to see how a person gets to the finished process when I see images online.

More to come soon! I promise!
Later days.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Whine whine whiiiiine about it!
I feel like I'm back in high school and should be writing in my live journal blog.
Because I'm a whiny little girl who whines about things.
That is all.
Because I'm a whiny little girl who whines about things.
That is all.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
More stupid new years resolutions?!
Yea, I know.
But I want to actually try this year.
I know I say this every year, if only to myself but I think that I have enough motivation to actually get things going and stick to it this year.
Cant wait to look back on this next new years and realize I've done none of what I wanted to do.
Alright, without further ado...
1) Draw every single day.
I know, considering what I'm taking in school and what I want to do for a career, this seems like a really stupid resolution. I don't draw as much as I'd like to, or should for that matter. I really need to step it up if I ever want to improve. So this is my first resolution.
2) Become better at time management.
I need to learn how to manage my time WAY better. This past semester taught me how important it is that I learn this skill. I need to keep school, homework, work, and a social life in order. I have to keep up with my assignments so I'm not stuck at school till midnight 3 nights a week to finish!
3) Only use the elevator at school once per day.
It would be SO easy to lose weight being in the animation program, since we're on the 4th floor. All you have to do is not be lazy and actually take the stairs every/most of the time.
I lost 10 pounds in the first month and a half, here's hoping 20 more hit the road before summer.
4) Lose 20 pounds by summer, kind of goes hand in hand with number 3.
I know its possible after losing 10 already. I can do it! Not that hard! No more Wendy's for heavens sake!
5) Get my tattoo finished.
I'm hoping to work enough this summer to be able to afford a few more sessions on my arm and finish it up before the years end. Cant wait to see some colour!
6) Read a lot over the summer.
I have a stack of at least 6 or 7 novels that I have yet to read from last year.
I need to get that done this summer.
7) Do something every day that makes me leave the house.
There's nothing worse than having the laziest day in the world because theres nothing to do so I end up staying home and feeling gross. This is especially for the summer, I want to go out every day, even if its just to ride my bike through the ravine. I don't have time to waste so much of it.
That's all I can think of for now. It's a lot to do, but I think I can do it.
Lets start with number one. I'm gonna go draw for a bit.
School starts in 1 more week. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some of my stuff from first semester before then.
Later days
But I want to actually try this year.
I know I say this every year, if only to myself but I think that I have enough motivation to actually get things going and stick to it this year.
Cant wait to look back on this next new years and realize I've done none of what I wanted to do.
Alright, without further ado...
1) Draw every single day.
I know, considering what I'm taking in school and what I want to do for a career, this seems like a really stupid resolution. I don't draw as much as I'd like to, or should for that matter. I really need to step it up if I ever want to improve. So this is my first resolution.
2) Become better at time management.
I need to learn how to manage my time WAY better. This past semester taught me how important it is that I learn this skill. I need to keep school, homework, work, and a social life in order. I have to keep up with my assignments so I'm not stuck at school till midnight 3 nights a week to finish!
3) Only use the elevator at school once per day.
It would be SO easy to lose weight being in the animation program, since we're on the 4th floor. All you have to do is not be lazy and actually take the stairs every/most of the time.
I lost 10 pounds in the first month and a half, here's hoping 20 more hit the road before summer.
4) Lose 20 pounds by summer, kind of goes hand in hand with number 3.
I know its possible after losing 10 already. I can do it! Not that hard! No more Wendy's for heavens sake!
5) Get my tattoo finished.
I'm hoping to work enough this summer to be able to afford a few more sessions on my arm and finish it up before the years end. Cant wait to see some colour!
6) Read a lot over the summer.
I have a stack of at least 6 or 7 novels that I have yet to read from last year.
I need to get that done this summer.
7) Do something every day that makes me leave the house.
There's nothing worse than having the laziest day in the world because theres nothing to do so I end up staying home and feeling gross. This is especially for the summer, I want to go out every day, even if its just to ride my bike through the ravine. I don't have time to waste so much of it.
That's all I can think of for now. It's a lot to do, but I think I can do it.
Lets start with number one. I'm gonna go draw for a bit.
School starts in 1 more week. Hopefully I'll be able to upload some of my stuff from first semester before then.
Later days
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