Today I bought yellow bed sheets, and a green hibachi BBQ.
I am thoroughly satisfied.
That is all.
Later days
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Not in the mood
I'm really not in the mood to blog at all right now.

Having said that, watch me write a novel.
Monday weigh in...down 2.5lbs.
Having looked through my list of notes, its basically just normal for me to be fluctuating 1 or 2 lbs here and there.
I'm not seeing any solid results as of yet. I kind of stopped trying, like I always do with diets.
I just thought with the amount of hockey I played these past 2 weekends, something would have changed.
Anyways, I'll try to keep up with this whole weight loss business. I'm sick and tired of being chunky.
So I finally slept in today, after waking up at 7am the past 2 days to play 2 or 3 games of hockey each day. I woke up at around 9:30, just as a preliminary wake up, then went back to sleep.
From about 1o to 11 I was basically too tired/lazy to get up so I tried to sleep as best I could but at that point I couldn't fully fall asleep again. You know what I'm talking about right?
Then eventually at 11 when I got up I felt like crap. Of course. I knew it was going to happen.
Anyways, I have my coffee, Ive done my facebooking, after this I'll probably head downstairs for some yogurt and rice cakes(breakfast of champions) and watch an episode of Nurse Jackie.
Then I'll drag my butt over to work...again...for a shift that will last far too long, mainly because of who I'm working with.
BUT THEN! I have all of Tuesday off! And on Tuesday night I start my co-ed hockey league, and I'm SO excited for that.
AND THEN! I have all of Wednesday off! Hurrah! I hope the weather is nice Tuesday and Wednesday, maybe I'll actually go biking this time, or roller blading.
As for my injuries, my ankle isn't swollen anymore, but it still does hurt on the bone like a bruise. My bruise is starting to fade, but the center is still hard and very painful.
I think I will be scheduling a doctors appointment sometime this week. Perhaps on one of my off days. It's just better to know exactly whats wrong than wonder why it's taking 2 months to heal.
Hmm what else....(see? novel) So much for not wanting to blog today.
I'm starting to second guess my tattoo..more for the fact of what my dad/family will say. I know I'll never be interested in a job that wouldn't hire you based on the fact that you're covered in tattoos, so that's not really a big concern, but I don't know.
Ive found I ask myself if this is who I really am. The answer is always yes. I love art, I love being creative, I love being different. I'm getting this tattoo no matter what, I just hope my dad doesn't hate me for it.
So now I'm just waiting for George to call me! It's been almost a month, he said sometime at the end of April, I'm thinking it'll probably be in May. Justin is getting one before me, and he hasn't even been called yet, so who knows how long this will take.
Alright, I should stop talking now..or writing I guess...
Wish me luck on becoming less fat.
Later days
P.s. My team won first place at the Heart and Stroke tournament! Woot woot!

Monday, April 19, 2010
Yea Yea Yea
Monday weigh in....
Ugh, so I'm up 2.5lbs.
Hoorah! Even after 4 games of hockey this weekend!
Well I guess I haven't really been eating that great, and did no other exercise last week at all so.
Hoping this week goes a bit better.
I ended up getting hurt twice this weekend, one slap shot to the calve and another shot to my ankle. Both hurt a lot. Id have to say Ive never been hit that hard in those places before ever. Well we were playing against men so that might have something to do with it.
I have a nice bruise brewing on my calve in the shape of a hockey puck. It's so hot.
I wasn't able to really walk on my right foot yesterday because of the pain in my ankle, and I woke up this morning with absolutely no pain at all. Strange. Sure it hurts on the bone if you touch it, there is a bruise starting to form, but as for general pain in my ankle, its completely gone and I can walk! Although still a little swollen.
So work should be ok tonight, I was kinda dreading have to hobble around.
I just hope the swelling goes down by next weekend, I'm kind of scared to put my hockey skate back on, because I know it's going to kill every time the side touches my ankle bone. Should be nice.
Hmm what else? Well in the tournament, we were the first female team to ever be allowed to play, and we won second place in our division! I bet the guys weren't expecting that!
And they even asked us back for next year! How exciting!
We got t-shirts as prizes and they were nice enough to go through all of them and pick out all the mediums for us. Never fails that girls are always stuck with XL men's shirts. That's just how it works. Even at women's tournaments if you can believe it.
La la la!
I think I'm gonna take my bike out this week, pump up some tires and start going for rides. I found a good route to take last summer that ends up being a pretty good work out. So I shall try that out again, and maybe if I do that every day, or well the days I'm not working..(I hate to get sweaty before work..It's just gross) I'll see some improvement.
AHHH!! Hockey starts next week! Well...resumes I guess I should say.
Ive actually been missing it these past few weeks...even though I played every weekend since the season ended. But still, it's not the same. I start on my summer team from last year called The Ringers, and my new co-ed team called District 5 named after the Mighty Ducks original team. I cant wait. The co-ed team is a brand new league though, so I'm hoping the level is ok.
Get ready for a lot of new injuries from this league. Cant wait.
Hmm....That may be it for now? I know it's been a while so I had a bunch to report on.
Still VERY excited for school.
And I'm's lunch time.
Time for foooooods.
Later days
Ugh, so I'm up 2.5lbs.
Hoorah! Even after 4 games of hockey this weekend!
Well I guess I haven't really been eating that great, and did no other exercise last week at all so.
Hoping this week goes a bit better.
I ended up getting hurt twice this weekend, one slap shot to the calve and another shot to my ankle. Both hurt a lot. Id have to say Ive never been hit that hard in those places before ever. Well we were playing against men so that might have something to do with it.
I have a nice bruise brewing on my calve in the shape of a hockey puck. It's so hot.
I wasn't able to really walk on my right foot yesterday because of the pain in my ankle, and I woke up this morning with absolutely no pain at all. Strange. Sure it hurts on the bone if you touch it, there is a bruise starting to form, but as for general pain in my ankle, its completely gone and I can walk! Although still a little swollen.
So work should be ok tonight, I was kinda dreading have to hobble around.
I just hope the swelling goes down by next weekend, I'm kind of scared to put my hockey skate back on, because I know it's going to kill every time the side touches my ankle bone. Should be nice.
Hmm what else? Well in the tournament, we were the first female team to ever be allowed to play, and we won second place in our division! I bet the guys weren't expecting that!
And they even asked us back for next year! How exciting!
We got t-shirts as prizes and they were nice enough to go through all of them and pick out all the mediums for us. Never fails that girls are always stuck with XL men's shirts. That's just how it works. Even at women's tournaments if you can believe it.
La la la!
I think I'm gonna take my bike out this week, pump up some tires and start going for rides. I found a good route to take last summer that ends up being a pretty good work out. So I shall try that out again, and maybe if I do that every day, or well the days I'm not working..(I hate to get sweaty before work..It's just gross) I'll see some improvement.
AHHH!! Hockey starts next week! Well...resumes I guess I should say.
Ive actually been missing it these past few weeks...even though I played every weekend since the season ended. But still, it's not the same. I start on my summer team from last year called The Ringers, and my new co-ed team called District 5 named after the Mighty Ducks original team. I cant wait. The co-ed team is a brand new league though, so I'm hoping the level is ok.
Get ready for a lot of new injuries from this league. Cant wait.
Hmm....That may be it for now? I know it's been a while so I had a bunch to report on.
Still VERY excited for school.
And I'm's lunch time.
Time for foooooods.
Later days
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I guess I haven't fully accepted the fact that I'll be going back to school in September, for Animation of all things.
Every time I think about it, it's like I'm finding out for the first time all over again and I get so excited!
I hate that its 5 months away, but I know that once it comes I'll be wishing for my summer back.
I love feeling excited about something again. I pump myself up by googling anything and everything to do with animation and I just hope one day I can be as good as some of the people out there.
I know it will take a lot of dedication, more than I think I have.
I guess my biggest fear is not being able to really try my hardest, or get bored and give up.
If I take anything seriously in my life, I really want this to be it. I want to be able to stay motivated and still love what I'm doing.
School has ruined my passion for everything I've taken so far. Photography, and before that art. Which is mainly the reason why I didn't want to take Animation in the first place. I had no passion left, I didn't want to ever put pencil to paper again. But here I am. Loving it once more.
I just hope the same thing doesn't happen this time around.
I think being able to see myself improve will keep me motivated. I hate trying to draw something and having it come out like crap. I give up right away. But if I learn, and improve, and can finally be able to get out on paper exactly what I want, it will make me love it that much more.
But again it all comes back to pushing myself to improve. No slacking off this time around, not for the money it's going to cost.
Now speaking of money, why are the tickets for Rock of Ages so friggin expensive?!
Ugh! I wanna go!!
Later Days
Every time I think about it, it's like I'm finding out for the first time all over again and I get so excited!
I hate that its 5 months away, but I know that once it comes I'll be wishing for my summer back.
I love feeling excited about something again. I pump myself up by googling anything and everything to do with animation and I just hope one day I can be as good as some of the people out there.
I know it will take a lot of dedication, more than I think I have.
I guess my biggest fear is not being able to really try my hardest, or get bored and give up.
If I take anything seriously in my life, I really want this to be it. I want to be able to stay motivated and still love what I'm doing.
School has ruined my passion for everything I've taken so far. Photography, and before that art. Which is mainly the reason why I didn't want to take Animation in the first place. I had no passion left, I didn't want to ever put pencil to paper again. But here I am. Loving it once more.
I just hope the same thing doesn't happen this time around.
I think being able to see myself improve will keep me motivated. I hate trying to draw something and having it come out like crap. I give up right away. But if I learn, and improve, and can finally be able to get out on paper exactly what I want, it will make me love it that much more.
But again it all comes back to pushing myself to improve. No slacking off this time around, not for the money it's going to cost.
Now speaking of money, why are the tickets for Rock of Ages so friggin expensive?!
Ugh! I wanna go!!
Later Days
Monday, April 12, 2010
It's Monday.
It's weigh in day.
*sigh* Alright, let's get this over with.
After losing the 2.5lbs last week I guess I thought I did really well and started cheating this week thinking it wouldn't really make a big deal.
So here I am.
I'm down 1 lb.
Yay for being down, but boo for being only 1 lb.
I was actually surprised seeing that though. I thought for sure I would be up from last week.
So this is good.
I just have to work extra hard this week.
Let's go me!
Tonight I'm going out to dinner with friends to celebrate getting into school.
(OMG I got into school!)
Hopefully I can control my menu picking and get something sensible.
Should be fun though, haven't seen them in a while. So much to catch up(ketchup) on.
I have a super mega shift tomorrow which I'm not at all looking forward to since my feet still hurt from my last shift.
Eww I slept in till 11:30 today. I feel gross.
Alright, well I think that's all for now.
Later days
It's weigh in day.
*sigh* Alright, let's get this over with.
After losing the 2.5lbs last week I guess I thought I did really well and started cheating this week thinking it wouldn't really make a big deal.
So here I am.
I'm down 1 lb.
Yay for being down, but boo for being only 1 lb.
I was actually surprised seeing that though. I thought for sure I would be up from last week.
So this is good.
I just have to work extra hard this week.
Let's go me!
Tonight I'm going out to dinner with friends to celebrate getting into school.
(OMG I got into school!)
Hopefully I can control my menu picking and get something sensible.
Should be fun though, haven't seen them in a while. So much to catch up(ketchup) on.
I have a super mega shift tomorrow which I'm not at all looking forward to since my feet still hurt from my last shift.
Eww I slept in till 11:30 today. I feel gross.
Alright, well I think that's all for now.
Later days
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I in Team
Last night's shinny was just a bundle of disappointment.
First of all, the game that was on before us was a play off game. So after resulting in a tie, it went to over time which resulted in another tie, so it went to a shoot out, which resulted in yet another tie, so it then went into another over time, can you guess what happened? Yes it went into a final shoot out and was finally over! Half way into our ice time might I add.
Secondly, there were 'I in team' idiots playing. Justin came up with that perfect title for them.
They were on the other team, and always seemed to be on at the same time as each other.
They were in a league of their own, showing off their skills, passing and skating around everyone.
I'm sure they were having an awesome time! Wow perfect chance to work on their skills around pylons.
Ive played shinny with people like this before, and that's why I don't play shinny with them anymore. The first shinny last Saturday was a lot of fun, because these people weren't there, but this time around? I wouldn't play again if they were there.
It's not fun being skated around constantly and made a fool. There was no point in even trying to do anything every time they skated down the ice so I just let them go. Hopefully no challenge is more fun for them.
Don't get me wrong, I like challenging myself by playing with people who have a greater skill than I do, that's how you get better, but not when these people are just being ridiculous and taking it so seriously. There is no room for improvement playing with people like that.
Anyways, the moral of the story was, everyone I talked to had a problem with the 'I in team' guys, so hopefully they wont show up at the next shinny, because I'd really like to play again with the other people.
Later days
First of all, the game that was on before us was a play off game. So after resulting in a tie, it went to over time which resulted in another tie, so it went to a shoot out, which resulted in yet another tie, so it then went into another over time, can you guess what happened? Yes it went into a final shoot out and was finally over! Half way into our ice time might I add.
Secondly, there were 'I in team' idiots playing. Justin came up with that perfect title for them.
They were on the other team, and always seemed to be on at the same time as each other.
They were in a league of their own, showing off their skills, passing and skating around everyone.
I'm sure they were having an awesome time! Wow perfect chance to work on their skills around pylons.
Ive played shinny with people like this before, and that's why I don't play shinny with them anymore. The first shinny last Saturday was a lot of fun, because these people weren't there, but this time around? I wouldn't play again if they were there.
It's not fun being skated around constantly and made a fool. There was no point in even trying to do anything every time they skated down the ice so I just let them go. Hopefully no challenge is more fun for them.
Don't get me wrong, I like challenging myself by playing with people who have a greater skill than I do, that's how you get better, but not when these people are just being ridiculous and taking it so seriously. There is no room for improvement playing with people like that.
Anyways, the moral of the story was, everyone I talked to had a problem with the 'I in team' guys, so hopefully they wont show up at the next shinny, because I'd really like to play again with the other people.
Later days
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I suck at blogging, I know.
Every time I say I'm going to try to be better at all this stuff, I always fail miserably.
But I have done better than previous attempts! So cut me some slack!
Tonight is shinny, at 11pm. Nice and early... :
Hah! First blog emoticon!
I believe there will one be 3 girls tonight, including myself. Should be exciting.
I am definitely looking forward to the workout, as I have been cheating all week and spending most of my time as a hermit because of the awful weather. I'm pretty sure my Monday weigh in will result in having gained back the weight I lost, and possible even more. *sigh*
Lots of hockey the next two weeks. Mainly clustered around the weekends. The next two Saturdays I have 3 games each day. Then one or so on either the Friday or Sunday.
I will eventually be adding pictures to my blog, I'm just waiting to see the most practical way to go about doing so.
La la la...
That may be all I have to say right now. I had a taco salad for dinner. Yum.
Later days
Every time I say I'm going to try to be better at all this stuff, I always fail miserably.
But I have done better than previous attempts! So cut me some slack!
Tonight is shinny, at 11pm. Nice and early... :
Hah! First blog emoticon!
I believe there will one be 3 girls tonight, including myself. Should be exciting.
I am definitely looking forward to the workout, as I have been cheating all week and spending most of my time as a hermit because of the awful weather. I'm pretty sure my Monday weigh in will result in having gained back the weight I lost, and possible even more. *sigh*
Lots of hockey the next two weeks. Mainly clustered around the weekends. The next two Saturdays I have 3 games each day. Then one or so on either the Friday or Sunday.
I will eventually be adding pictures to my blog, I'm just waiting to see the most practical way to go about doing so.
La la la...
That may be all I have to say right now. I had a taco salad for dinner. Yum.
Later days
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Time to stop worrying because...
...I got accepted into Animation!!
Oh man, the letter finally came!
It came in a big envelope so when I saw it I was excited! Then I touched it and noticed it was a lot thinner than my usual acceptance letters were, so I got a little worried.
I heard you can get denied in big envelopes too, so it threw me off.
So there I am, standing in the kitchen, knife in one hand, letter in the other, with my mom staring at me waiting for me to gut it open. I open it up, take a tiny peek inside and see the word 'Congratulations!' and I ran into the hall jumping in the air with a giant smile on my face. My mom is dying to know what it says so I yank out the contents and start reading;
'Dear Ms. Tara Lloyd,
You have been offered admission into the Animation program.' ...etc...
My mom screamed yay and clapped her hands, because she's cool like that, and I just hugged my letter.
I then ran upstairs to log onto to accept my offer, and then post it all on facebook. Obviously, right?
Then! My mom tells me I also got my GST cheque in the mail!
It was like a double good day.
While I was on Facebook, one of my friends from my old Art Fundamentals class who is now taking Animation messaged me.
We were talking about the program and I was getting even more excited. He did tell me how much work is really involved though, and how I probably will be living at the school and have absolutely no social life. He told me that a lot of people who started with him were gone because they got kicked out for not maintaining a high enough GPA. That kind of freaked me out a bit, but I don't think I could let myself do so poorly in school.
I really want to try hard with this program. I want to be able to see myself improve, and I just want to do good! Especially for the amount of money the tuition is going to be.
I also hope it wont be so demanding that I cant still play hockey once a week, and work 2 days a week so I can afford my car! I cant quit my job no matter what, I wont have any way to pay off my car if I do. I need to figure out a way to make it all work. Hopefully Ill be able to work weekends, because I know during the week I'll be expected to go to extra life drawing after classes.
I think Ive decided the cheapest mode of transportation is bus tokens, vs metro pass and parking. If I get a ride to school every day, I only need tokens for the ride back. Hopefully I'll be able to get a locker this time, so I wont have to lug around a lot of stuff with me, and I wont mind taking the bus.
Anyways, so much to think about and I have 5 months until September rolls around. I really hope I enjoy this program, and I hope it doesn't make me hate drawing like Art Fundamentals did, and the photography course for taking pictures. I just gotta keep thinking about all the things I'll be able to do after it all.
Alright, that's my post for today.
Tonight is my championship game and will determine if we make it to first or second place, each getting a prize! First gets a skate towel and a bath towel, second place gets skate guards....I know..amazing prizes. I'll let you know tomorrow!
Later Days
Oh man, the letter finally came!
It came in a big envelope so when I saw it I was excited! Then I touched it and noticed it was a lot thinner than my usual acceptance letters were, so I got a little worried.
I heard you can get denied in big envelopes too, so it threw me off.
So there I am, standing in the kitchen, knife in one hand, letter in the other, with my mom staring at me waiting for me to gut it open. I open it up, take a tiny peek inside and see the word 'Congratulations!' and I ran into the hall jumping in the air with a giant smile on my face. My mom is dying to know what it says so I yank out the contents and start reading;
'Dear Ms. Tara Lloyd,
You have been offered admission into the Animation program.' ...etc...
My mom screamed yay and clapped her hands, because she's cool like that, and I just hugged my letter.
I then ran upstairs to log onto to accept my offer, and then post it all on facebook. Obviously, right?
Then! My mom tells me I also got my GST cheque in the mail!
It was like a double good day.
While I was on Facebook, one of my friends from my old Art Fundamentals class who is now taking Animation messaged me.
We were talking about the program and I was getting even more excited. He did tell me how much work is really involved though, and how I probably will be living at the school and have absolutely no social life. He told me that a lot of people who started with him were gone because they got kicked out for not maintaining a high enough GPA. That kind of freaked me out a bit, but I don't think I could let myself do so poorly in school.
I really want to try hard with this program. I want to be able to see myself improve, and I just want to do good! Especially for the amount of money the tuition is going to be.
I also hope it wont be so demanding that I cant still play hockey once a week, and work 2 days a week so I can afford my car! I cant quit my job no matter what, I wont have any way to pay off my car if I do. I need to figure out a way to make it all work. Hopefully Ill be able to work weekends, because I know during the week I'll be expected to go to extra life drawing after classes.
I think Ive decided the cheapest mode of transportation is bus tokens, vs metro pass and parking. If I get a ride to school every day, I only need tokens for the ride back. Hopefully I'll be able to get a locker this time, so I wont have to lug around a lot of stuff with me, and I wont mind taking the bus.
Anyways, so much to think about and I have 5 months until September rolls around. I really hope I enjoy this program, and I hope it doesn't make me hate drawing like Art Fundamentals did, and the photography course for taking pictures. I just gotta keep thinking about all the things I'll be able to do after it all.
Alright, that's my post for today.
Tonight is my championship game and will determine if we make it to first or second place, each getting a prize! First gets a skate towel and a bath towel, second place gets skate guards....I know..amazing prizes. I'll let you know tomorrow!
Later Days
Monday, April 5, 2010
Dear Blog,
It's Monday and that means......weigh in!
And guess what...GOOD NEWS!
I am officially down 2.5lbs! What what!
I honestly didn't that Id be able to do it, but so far I'm right on track!
Its really awesome because it makes me want to work harder at this, and really achieve my goals.
I got a lot of sun today which was awesome, although it did make me a bit tired for work.
I neglected to post yesterday, and it seems I'm even too late to have posted for 'today'. Rats.
I'll try to do better!
This post sucks because I'm tired.
At least I did my weigh in, so that's all that really matters.
Hopefully I'll have the drive to post tomorrow before work, so this doesn't happen again.
Gnight Blog.
It's Monday and that means......weigh in!
And guess what...GOOD NEWS!
I am officially down 2.5lbs! What what!
I honestly didn't that Id be able to do it, but so far I'm right on track!
Its really awesome because it makes me want to work harder at this, and really achieve my goals.
I got a lot of sun today which was awesome, although it did make me a bit tired for work.
I neglected to post yesterday, and it seems I'm even too late to have posted for 'today'. Rats.
I'll try to do better!
This post sucks because I'm tired.
At least I did my weigh in, so that's all that really matters.
Hopefully I'll have the drive to post tomorrow before work, so this doesn't happen again.
Gnight Blog.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Quick Update!
Today we had Easter dinner at my house.
I ate ham with pineapple. It was delicious.
I also washed my car today, inside and out. It's shiny.
My legs kill from yesterdays workout. Go me and working out my legs the day before I play hockey. Tonight's shinny should be interesting.
My brother and sister in law promised to come out to a couple of my games in Stouffville this summer, so I'm kind of excited for that.
I still cant find my DVD of Across the Universe that I swear I lent to my brother, but he says he doesn't have.
It's super windy outside right now and I hope I don't get blown over.
That is all.
Later days
I ate ham with pineapple. It was delicious.
I also washed my car today, inside and out. It's shiny.
My legs kill from yesterdays workout. Go me and working out my legs the day before I play hockey. Tonight's shinny should be interesting.
My brother and sister in law promised to come out to a couple of my games in Stouffville this summer, so I'm kind of excited for that.
I still cant find my DVD of Across the Universe that I swear I lent to my brother, but he says he doesn't have.
It's super windy outside right now and I hope I don't get blown over.
That is all.
Later days
Friday, April 2, 2010
La La La
Alright, trying to get an early post in here today.
And with that, I have absolutely nothing to write about.
It's a beautiful day outside today, I can only hope people will be out and about on their day off instead of renting movies and staying in.
I really hope no one comes in tonight, I'm definitely not in the mood.
I also hope I don't get scrutinized by the new manager tonight. I have a feeling I'm going to get yelled at for not asking every single person if they want to pre-order Avatar, or even one single person for that matter. I hate up selling.
Anyways, today consisted of waking up late-ish, having my morning cup of coffee whilst internetting. Hanging out in the back yard for a bit with my dad and the pups, finding out the water fountain isn't working(might still be frozen), and yelling at Baxter for eating bird seed, because he's clearly not a bird. I then went on to fold my laundry that I did yesterday and left conveniently in the dryer. Yay clean hockey clothes and jerseys! (I smell)
Then had some lunch, watched 5 mins of Bad Lieutenant and gave up, and now I'm here.
What fun! Maybe I'll get my bike out, put some air in the tires and go for a ride.
I found a video on YouTube of some workouts for strengthening your legs for hockey, so I may do that for a bit. I really don't want to die in my co-ed division.
Anywho, I cant really think of much more to say. So I'll leave it at that.
Later Days
And with that, I have absolutely nothing to write about.
It's a beautiful day outside today, I can only hope people will be out and about on their day off instead of renting movies and staying in.
I really hope no one comes in tonight, I'm definitely not in the mood.
I also hope I don't get scrutinized by the new manager tonight. I have a feeling I'm going to get yelled at for not asking every single person if they want to pre-order Avatar, or even one single person for that matter. I hate up selling.
Anyways, today consisted of waking up late-ish, having my morning cup of coffee whilst internetting. Hanging out in the back yard for a bit with my dad and the pups, finding out the water fountain isn't working(might still be frozen), and yelling at Baxter for eating bird seed, because he's clearly not a bird. I then went on to fold my laundry that I did yesterday and left conveniently in the dryer. Yay clean hockey clothes and jerseys! (I smell)
Then had some lunch, watched 5 mins of Bad Lieutenant and gave up, and now I'm here.
What fun! Maybe I'll get my bike out, put some air in the tires and go for a ride.
I found a video on YouTube of some workouts for strengthening your legs for hockey, so I may do that for a bit. I really don't want to die in my co-ed division.
Anywho, I cant really think of much more to say. So I'll leave it at that.
Later Days
Thursday, April 1, 2010
So I forgot to post today.
Some thoughts from the day.
I'm excited to meet my new team and play some shinny this Saturday.
I am not at all looking forward to working a whole shift with the new manager tomorrow night, although it is time and a half.
I'll let you know if it was worth the extra money.
I bought jello today. I havent been this excited about jello before. Dont ask me why, because I have no idea.
I snacked more than I should have today. Grr...
It's april fools and I wasnt fooled once today! HAH!
Easter weekend coming up!
Dont forget to go egg hunting!
Later Days
Some thoughts from the day.
I'm excited to meet my new team and play some shinny this Saturday.
I am not at all looking forward to working a whole shift with the new manager tomorrow night, although it is time and a half.
I'll let you know if it was worth the extra money.
I bought jello today. I havent been this excited about jello before. Dont ask me why, because I have no idea.
I snacked more than I should have today. Grr...
It's april fools and I wasnt fooled once today! HAH!
Easter weekend coming up!
Dont forget to go egg hunting!
Later Days
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