Sunday, April 11, 2010

I in Team

Last night's shinny was just a bundle of disappointment.

First of all, the game that was on before us was a play off game. So after resulting in a tie, it went to over time which resulted in another tie, so it went to a shoot out, which resulted in yet another tie, so it then went into another over time, can you guess what happened? Yes it went into a final shoot out and was finally over! Half way into our ice time might I add.

Secondly, there were 'I in team' idiots playing. Justin came up with that perfect title for them.
They were on the other team, and always seemed to be on at the same time as each other.
They were in a league of their own, showing off their skills, passing and skating around everyone.
I'm sure they were having an awesome time! Wow perfect chance to work on their skills around pylons.
Ive played shinny with people like this before, and that's why I don't play shinny with them anymore. The first shinny last Saturday was a lot of fun, because these people weren't there, but this time around? I wouldn't play again if they were there.
It's not fun being skated around constantly and made a fool. There was no point in even trying to do anything every time they skated down the ice so I just let them go. Hopefully no challenge is more fun for them.

Don't get me wrong, I like challenging myself by playing with people who have a greater skill than I do, that's how you get better, but not when these people are just being ridiculous and taking it so seriously. There is no room for improvement playing with people like that.

Anyways, the moral of the story was, everyone I talked to had a problem with the 'I in team' guys, so hopefully they wont show up at the next shinny, because I'd really like to play again with the other people.

Later days

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