doo doo doo doo!
Other than being my favourite Beatles song, it also brings with it my favourite season.
After getting a taste of spring weather earlier in March,
I'm dying for some summer heat.
This coming weekend is supposed to be pretty nice, so says the weather man.
So let's all roll up our sleeves and get dirty! Perhaps it might even be car wash weather.
So now I know what I'll be doing Saturday.
With summer comes shorts, dresses, tank tops, and dare I say, bathing suits...all things I loath since gaining my
graduationmen 30. (get it? freshmen 15?)
Since leaving school, my routines haven't changed at all, other than leaving school. I still work at the same place, approximately the same amount of hours, and spend my
leisure time at home..sitting on the couch, and eating.
And it's all led me to here. 30 lbs heavier than I was 3 years ago. 20 of those pounds all joining me as graduation gifts.
So Ive decided to FINALLY(I'm pretty good at emphasizing finally eh?) put my foot down!
No more saying I'm on a diet and not keeping to it. This time it's for serious.
I'd love to lose all 30 of it in 2 months, but I don't think that's realistic for me. So I'm going to aim for 20 by the end of May. Then I'll concentrate on getting to exactly where I want to be after that, but for now, it's crunch time!
Maybe I'll turn Mondays into updates on how everything is progressing. Will I ever post my weight? Probably not, until I get to my goal, then you can know how fat I actually was. Key word, was. Should I do pictures? We'll see. And again, probably wont show until I get to where I want to be.
So how does one motivate ones self into taking on such a huge challenge? I
don't know. Perhaps
YouTube '
thinspiration'? NO! That stuff is ridiculous. If you have time, you should check out what girls do to
themselves by watching that crap. They're videos consisting of pictures of anorexic/
bulimic girls showing off their rib cages and skeletons. It's disgusting. But it's supposed to '
thinspire' you to lose weight. Because
OMG I wish I looked like
Anyways, I have joined 2 hockey teams this summer, so here's hoping that helps me out with things.
My 2 big problems are portion control, and what time I eat. So I really need to work on them.
I'm proud of myself for completely switching from pop to water, and pretty much not eating junk food anymore. I find that after a while, you
don't crave these foods anymore, and when you have them once in a while, it's really not that hard to eat just a bit.
I haven't had fast food(
Harvey's..)in a REALLY long time, which is awesome!
But I do want to cut someone
every time they send me
McDonald's coupons.
So what have we learned today? That even my
Wii Fit thinks I'm overweight and it's time to make some changes! So here goes nothing!
Later Days